Argentina, the eight largest country in the world, is situated in South America. It has a continental extension of 20791.810 kilometres squared and possesses a 3.761.274 kilometres squared area. The continental region of Argentina is between the Andes Mountain Range in the western part, which is a large mountain system of South America and the home of Aconcagua, the highest and tallest peak in the globe; and Atlantic Ocean in the eastern part, the world’s second largest ocean. The name Argentina came from “Argentum”, a Latin term which means silver. The La Plata Basin has no silver or silver sources, but the primary Spanish people who conquered the region journeyed to the land because of false reports that the land had silver mountains and that’s where the name was derived. The name Argentina was first used in 1602 in a poem.
Argentina has climatic variations, mainly temperate. Argentina is adorned with natural aesthetics with its various areas of land forms such as mountains, plain and plateaus. Per region, there are climatic and landscape variations: in the Northwest, the climate is tropical and it is blessed with landforms like the Puna high plateau, valleys, and mountains; in Gran Chaco, the area is filled with trees and forestry with ponds and swamps, and the climate is subtropical; in Mesopotamia, the climate is predominantly temperate and is abundant with flora and fauna with ponds, swamps and rivers; in Cuyo, lies a mountainous region where the highest peak Aconcagua is found and has a dry temperate climate; in Central Sierras, the climate is arid and temperate and it claims several rivers; in Pampa, there lies the most productive agricultural and cattle breeding land in the country and one of the most productive in the globe, plus a number of beaches in the shores of Atlantic; and Patagonia, where the coldest climate can be felt and it is rich with mountains, forests, glaciers, lakes, plateaus and beaches which are habitats of marine creatures.
Demographically, Argentina is comprised of 41 million inhabitants, 85 percent of which are immigrants from Europe and a fairly few number of mixed raced individuals (European and Indian). Around 50 percent of the inhabitants of Argentina reside in the Federal Capital and Buenos Aires province; and the urban populace comprises 88 percent of the total population and on the other hand, the rural populace comprises the remaining 22 percent. The major metropolises of Argentina are Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Rosario, Mendoza, San Miguel de Tucuman, La Plata, Mar del Plata and Salta (order is ranked according to biggest populace to the smallest as Buenos Aires has 11 million population and Salta has 367.099).
The people of Argentina are called Argentines and their primary and official language is Spanish which they also call as Castellano or Castilian. Their most common dialect is the Rioplatense, and those who employ this dialect reside in Rio de la Plata basin. The European and Italian settlers promoted Lunfardo, the spoken slang of the region, which is also used as a dialect. Buenos Aires inhabitants have a distinguished accent that is somewhat similar to Neapolitan Language. Other languages that are used within the country are Italian (the second most prevalent language), English, French, Brazilian Portuguese and German (the fourth most prevalent language).
Note: Contact Axis Translations for professional Argentian Spanish tranlations.
The religion of most Argentines is Apostolic Roman Catholic (93 percent of the populace), but there are other religions as well as Argentina promotes religious freedom. Among the religions professed are Judaism, Jewish, Islamism, Protestantism and others which comprise the remaining 7 percent of the populace.
Argentina is a well-known middle power and is the third biggest economy of Latin America. Its official currency is Argentine Peso, and the conversion rate is one peso=100 cents. Bills are available is 2 to 100 Argentine Pesos.