Axis provides professional Greenlandic translation services for English to Greenlandic, as well as from Greenlandic to English language pairs. Since our firm’s services include over 200 different languages worldwide, we can translate any text to or from Greenlandic. Our broad range of Greenlandic language professionals consistently provide the most specialized translations for virtually any purpose. Some of the more popular types of documents we work with include:
- Business
- Law
- Education
- Finance
- Medical
Expert Greenlandic Translators
Our team of Greenlandic linguists is comprised of the most experienced translators, each of whom specializes in a particular field. Regardless of the project size, we can assist you with any type of Greenlandic language assignment you require. Our firm includes many expert translators who have many years of experience with translating an extensive array of document types, for instance:
- Official and legal settlement documents
- Business papers
- Birth certificates
- Divorce decrees
- Legal transcripts
In short, Axis can translate any other document written in the Greenlandic language.
Qualified Greenlandic Interpreters
Our firm also offers Greenlandic interpreters for situations where a linguist is required on-location. This includes Greenlandic court interprers, conference interpreters and a wide range of scenarios.
Greenlandic transcription Service
We can also offer Greenlandic transcription for audio and video material. Regardless of what your Greenlandic language needs may be, our expert linguistic professionals can accommodate them.
Greenlandic Translations for Technology
Our services also include technology related tasks such as Greenlandic translations for web pages and computer software. Our professional localization team can assist with the launch of any computer product to any type of audience. Our Greenlandic translation services for web pages go beyond literal translation and can help take your business to a global level by exponentially increasing the web visitor base far beyond your country of origin.
About Greenland
Greenland is located in the Kingdom of Denmark, between the Atlantic and Arctic and Oceans. Although physically part of North America, Greenland has been culturally and politically associated Norway and Denmark for over a millennium. Greenland is the largest island, worldwide. It is also the most densely populated, with a residency of approximately 56,615 people.